
Showing posts from 2018

Film Opening Research - Nightflyers

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? 2 What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Trees are floating through space along with a girl flying in her spaceship.  What connotations do the images carry? The images carry the feeling of wonder and mystery towards the spaceships.  How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? Questions are constantly asked in my head because of the symbolic and technical codes because of the genre. How does the film establish an enigma from the outset? The opening makes you wonder what's wrong with the ship and makes you want to keep watching.  What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? The strategy of the the mysterious man raiding through the spaceship and the constant wonder of what is going to happen next targets the audience.  How has technology been used effectively?  The whole opening i...

Genre Powerpoint #2


My Favorite Genre Video

My Favorite Genre Powerpoint

*Stranger Things changed to Monk* *Sherlock Holmes changed to Murder on the Orient Express*

Film Viewing Practice Essay

     Elements are very important to create a successful film. In the provided clip, many elements were used within the short amount of time.      To begin, there are 5 master shots in film: Parallelism, Contrast, Symbolism, Simultaneity, and Leit Motiff.  The short clip from Agent Carter starts out with Steve flying straight down from the sky, while Peggy watches him in distress. Switching back from Peggy begging Steve to land safely, to Steve begging her to not worry because he has to do what he has to do, can be considered an example of simultaneity. Simultaneity is a technique in editing where the camera cuts from one action to another to show relation between the two. Steve, knowing his landing is going to be dangerous, puts a picture of Peggy in front of him just before he goes down. Later on in the clip, Peggy is at the agency and opens up her drawer to find a framed picture of Steve. This is an example of both parallelism and symbolism. Parall...

Film Elements Graphic Organizer

Film Elements Camera Shots   - Two Shot: frame encompasses two people - Long Shot: shot shows entire object in relation to its surroundings - Medium Shot: mid-waist shot  - Establishing Shot: sets up the scene  - Close Up: tightly frames a person or object - Low Angle Shot: camera angle positioned low, looking up - High Angle Shot: camera angle positioned high up, looking down - Birds Eye View: shot from above as if a bird was flying above Mise en Scene:  arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or film - Costuming: clothing and attire of characters - Setting:   depict time, place, and time period - Lighting: illumination by which objects in frame can be seen  - Staging: where characters and props are blocked and placed  Sound  - Non-diegetic: sound whose source is not visible on the screen; outside the story world. Ex: background music  - Diegetic: sound that is on screen and has not been edite...

Four General Mise-En-Scenes

I chose to watch The Phantom of the Opera to point out the four general mise-en-scenes. Lighting: The film starts out in black and white, which symbolizes their older age after the opera life. In the auction for material from the opera, as the chandelier is being lifted up, the lighting changes to color and everything become brighter. This resembles their young age. Another example of lighting was the scene in which the phantom took Christine under the opera. The use of low-key lighting created suspense and wonder.  Costuming:  Throughout the whole film, the most important use of costume is the phantom's mask. It establishes his character. Since this movie is a musical, the use of costumes is very important. From their performances for Hannibal wearing very colorful and large dresses, to their simple nightgowns, I would consider costuming to be the greatest mise-en-scene. Each and every costume is different but creates emotion for each character.  Setti...

5 Master Edits with Sound I added music, non-diegetic sounds, and left direct sound in these edits. By adding music in the last edit, it creates humor and understanding of what leit motif is. In my symbolism edit, I added Ms. Keegan explaining that we must wear our badges. I added gasps and a "wow" sound effect in my contrast edit, which is non-diegetic, as crowd reactions. Whistling in my simultaneity edit shows that Donte is going somewhere casually but then gets yelled at by a teacher. (sound added). My last edit with added sound was parallelism, where Donte is shown walking. I added a sound effect of someone walking on carpet.

5 Master Edits From Films

This first edit I came across in the film was Contrast. PT and Charity's lives are very different and this edit shows why very well. Charity is well dressed and sat at a table sipping tea from a beautiful teacup, while PT watches and makes his own wooden teacup to try to look like her. They are clearly living from different classses.  This next edit from the film is called Symbolism. PT was shown dressed as the showman in the beginning of the film but then the scene changed to when he was a little boy having the dream to be a showman before he actually became one.  The third edit from the show New Amsterdam is Simultaneity. The two characters are shown talking on the phone at the same time, but in different locations.      This next edit is Parallelism. PT and Charity are shown as young kids exploring an abandoned house that they love to go to. Later on in the film, they become married and live in that house together showing the same elements but ...

5 Master Edits The first edit is called Contrast and that is where a scene drastically changes. The second edit is Parallelism where two unrelated scenes connect. The third edit is Symbolism where an object in a scene can have a meaning for something other than itself. The fourth edit is Simultaneity where two or more events are happening in the same reference. The fifth edit is Leitmotif where a reoccurring musical theme is connected to a subject or object.

"The Following" Shots

I chose to watch an episode from the show "The Following". I picked this show because I'm already into the last season and I know that there are many types of unique shots used because of the type of show it is. Storyboard Shots This first shot I selected was a follow shot. In this scene, 2 guards are taking a prisoner to a bus where he will be transferred. The camera follows the 3 subjects onto the bus to create an intense feeling and to set up the importance of the inmate. The shot incorporated in this was also a cutaway shot. Once the inmate got onto the bus, the FBI agent who caught him (Ryan) was sitting on the bus waiting to see the inmate's reaction. The camera then focused on the inmate and captured his shocked face.   This next shot is a close shot. A close shot is a shot where the camera shows the subject from the shoulders and up. Ryan, the FBI agent in this shot, is talking to the inmate he surprised on the bus during his transfer. The shot i...

Commenting on Students’ Shots

I chose to comment on Chris’ and Lia’s storyboard shots. They both had very different shots which helped me see the variety of ways to film. I commented on Chris’ blog,  “Nice job on all your shots, Chris! My top favorite shots were definitely the flash shot, the head-on shot, the eye-level shot, and the freezeframe. The flash shot truly caught me off guard because I was not expecting it, which is the purpose of a shot like that. Good choice. The eye-level shot was a pretty good example. It was good to record at Sergio's view to portray an eye-level shot. The next shot I thought was great was the head-on shot. Punching the camera is a perfect way to feel as if the shot was real in person, since it comes directly towards the viewer. The last shot I liked was the freezeframe shot. The way you recorded around Kenneth acting frozen made it seem more real as if he was actually frozen.” I commented on Lia’s blog; “Good job, Lia. The best shots you chose to do were cameo, establi...

Week 2: Storyboard Shots

Cameo Shot: A shot in which the subject is filmed against a neutral background. Head-on Shot: A shot where the action comes directly at the camera. Dolly Shot: A moving shot accomplished by moving the camera as if on a set of tracks. Follow Shot: The camera follows the subject. Cutaway Shot: A shot that briefly leaves the main action to show an audience member's reaction. High Angle Shot: A shot filmed from high above the subject. Close Shot: A shot which shows the subject from the top of the head to mid-waist. Establishing Shot: A shot that shows the location and mood. Close-up: A shot up close of an isolated subject or object. Flash: A very brief shot, often for shock effect. Long Shot: A shot from a distance of a location.  Freezeframe: A shot where the subject freezes.

Why Did I Take This Class?

I have always been interested in video production. From storyboards and camera angles to editing final products, everything has intrigued me. My backup option for a career would involve something with video making or producing. I began to love this type of subject a few years ago when I started taking TV Production 1. I am very excited to begin!