Week 2: Storyboard Shots

Cameo Shot:
A shot in which the subject is filmed against a neutral background.
Head-on Shot:
A shot where the action comes directly at the camera.
Dolly Shot:
A moving shot accomplished by moving the camera as if on a set of tracks.

Follow Shot:
The camera follows the subject.

Cutaway Shot:
A shot that briefly leaves the main action to show an audience member's reaction.
High Angle Shot:
A shot filmed from high above the subject.

Close Shot: A shot which shows the subject from the top of the head to mid-waist.
Establishing Shot:
A shot that shows the location and mood.
A shot up close of an isolated subject or object.
A very brief shot, often for shock effect.
Long Shot:
A shot from a distance of a location. 

A shot where the subject freezes.


  1. wow I really like what you did in this blog Lenka :D! A few shots that are my favorite are the head-on shot, cutaway shot, close-up shot, and freezeframe. I like the head-on shot because I really believe Elise was gonna throw her bag at the camera making me feel intense in my seat as the action came rolling like an 3-D. The cut-away scene was hilarious as we see how "shook" Lia was to see Jonathan and Elise to argue over something possibly "shocking". The close-up shot is what I may call aesthetic as you close in to the insect making me feel as if we are being transition to a new scene. the freezeframe was overall great because how Katie just stood still in a middle of the store, genuinely hilarious.

  2. I really enjoyed the variation of shots you were able to include in this blog post. You used a multitude of settings and subjects. My favorite shot was the close-up shot, where you focused on the dragonfly. To me, it was reminiscent of a shot from BBC's "Planet Earth". Another shot I enjoyed was the cutaway shot because i got to personally experience it and it allows for a diverse set of emotions in one shot. The high-angle shot was quite interesting as it created an ominous, prying feel. The last shot I liked was the dolly shot because it was actually shot through the window of my car, which I was driving, to get the smooth effect of the shot without an actual dolly.

  3. The 4 shots that I selected to further review were the follow, cutaway, close-up, and finally the flash shot. The follow shot sparked my interest because it allowed for multiple perspectives to be shown as the camera shifts around an axis, although the subject is still being followed which makes it unique from a different shot such as the pan shot. The cutaway shot was my favorite that I watched due to a break in the main action in order to view how characters that aren’t directly involved are reacting towards the main conflict of interest, this is important to many films due to how the aftermath is affected by the conflict at hand. The close-up shot was beautiful because it showed a beautiful perspective on nature that we often don’t take the time to absorb, we are often so caught up with other things that we forget to take a long look at what is constantly surrounding us. The last shot that I reviewed was the flash shot which held a very surprising factor which is how one of the subjects pops up into the camera which can be used to create a scare effect for the viewers.


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