"The Following" Shots

I chose to watch an episode from the show "The Following". I picked this show because I'm already into the last season and I know that there are many types of unique shots used because of the type of show it is.

Storyboard Shots
This first shot I selected was a follow shot. In this scene, 2 guards are taking a prisoner to a bus where he will be transferred. The camera follows the 3 subjects onto the bus to create an intense feeling and to set up the importance of the inmate. The shot incorporated in this was also a cutaway shot. Once the inmate got onto the bus, the FBI agent who caught him (Ryan) was sitting on the bus waiting to see the inmate's reaction. The camera then focused on the inmate and captured his shocked face.


This next shot is a close shot. A close shot is a shot where the camera shows the subject from the shoulders and up. Ryan, the FBI agent in this shot, is talking to the inmate he surprised on the bus during his transfer. The shot is this close because it shows Ryan's emotion and attitude. Each facial expression he makes can be seen so easily because of this shot and it allows the viewer to know how he feels in this situation. 

This shot is an establishing shot. The scene now changed to a hotel where 3 killers on the loose are staying at. The point of this shot is the set the scene and show how they are hiding in plain sight, but still cannot be found. The people walking by in the street and the cars passing help create the establishing shot. The scene is then changed to inside the hotel room and goes through hallways to establish where the killers are hiding.
This shot is a close-up shot. In this scene, 2 FBI agents are having relationship problems, so the boyfriend decides to look at the cameras set up in the captured killer's old room, where the girlfriend was investigating. He called her to see what she would do when she saw him calling, and she declined the call. The camera zooms in on the computer from where he is watching her to create suspense. It allows the viewer to see what the subject is seeing. It can also be considered a point of view shot. A cutaway shot was also used again in this scene to show the boyfriend's reaction to when she declined his call.
This shot would be called a Two Shot. In this scene, an official meeting for all the agents was called by the leaders of the investigation to discuss the killer's whereabouts and how the process must be sped up since he is still on the loose. A two shot is where two subjects are shown in the frame and they are talking to or with each other. In this case, the two agents are talking to a whole group of people but still discuss ideas between each other. This shot helps show different viewpoints from each character.


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