Film Elements Graphic Organizer

Film Elements
Camera Shots 
- Two Shot: frame encompasses two people
- Long Shot: shot shows entire object in relation to its surroundings
- Medium Shot: mid-waist shot 
- Establishing Shot: sets up the scene 
- Close Up: tightly frames a person or object
- Low Angle Shot: camera angle positioned low, looking up
- High Angle Shot: camera angle positioned high up, looking down
- Birds Eye View: shot from above as if a bird was flying above

Mise en Scene: arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or film
- Costuming: clothing and attire of characters
- Setting: depict time, place, and time period
- Lighting: illumination by which objects in frame can be seen 
- Staging: where characters and props are blocked and placed 

- Non-diegetic: sound whose source is not visible on the screen; outside the story world. Ex: background music 
- Diegetic: sound that is on screen and has not been edited in. Ex: footsteps from a character
- Direct: cinematic technique of recording the music, noise, and speech of an event at the moment the event is being captured on film
- Voice Over: read from a script and may be spoken by someone who appears elsewhere
- Sound Bridge: sound that carries a visual transition in film. This can be used to create mood.

Master Shots
- Parallelism: the technique of alternating two different scenes that happen simultaneously but in different locations. 
- Contrast: cutting between two different scenarios to highlight the difference, or contrast, between them
- Symbolism: a symbol in film that means something more than itself. 
- Simultaneity: camera cuts from one action to another action and can show relation
- Leit Motiff: describes a recurring melody with a character or object 


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