Brainstorming Film Openings
After watching all the sample film openings, I singled out five specific examples.
Immediately when the film opening starts, big texted titles appeared with cast members involved.
Many closeups and different types of shots. The shots were perfectly fit with the background music to get the audience's attention. The topic was very clear: soccer. As the characters were brought in, some sort of "conflict" seemed to be present. This makes the audience wonder.
Dear Lover
The mood and tone of the film was clear because of the setting and scenery, mostly focusing on the emotion. Along with the cast members, a music title was shown for the song being used. Lots of different shots were used to connect with the gloomy feeling. Voice overs and flashbacks were used as well.
Dare to Thrill
I definitely will use the unique opening title that was created in this opening. The title included the location of the setting, like in spy movies. This is perfect for action movies. The creators added overpowering music to create suspense and excitement. Each shot had some type of action in it.
White Coat
The title came up on the screen through smoke to create an eerie feeling. This is mostly used in mystery films. There was lots of suspense in each dark shot.
Close Encounter
Begins mysteriously, which makes the audience wonder what the film is about. This gives the audience a reason to keep watching.
Each sample film opening has different techniques, but I will try to incorporate each element into my action film opening. The best opening I will use as an example is "Dare To Thrill". It was my favorite and most unique.
Each sample film opening has different techniques, but I will try to incorporate each element into my action film opening. The best opening I will use as an example is "Dare To Thrill". It was my favorite and most unique.
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