
Showing posts from November, 2018

My Favorite Genre Video

My Favorite Genre Powerpoint

*Stranger Things changed to Monk* *Sherlock Holmes changed to Murder on the Orient Express*

Film Viewing Practice Essay

     Elements are very important to create a successful film. In the provided clip, many elements were used within the short amount of time.      To begin, there are 5 master shots in film: Parallelism, Contrast, Symbolism, Simultaneity, and Leit Motiff.  The short clip from Agent Carter starts out with Steve flying straight down from the sky, while Peggy watches him in distress. Switching back from Peggy begging Steve to land safely, to Steve begging her to not worry because he has to do what he has to do, can be considered an example of simultaneity. Simultaneity is a technique in editing where the camera cuts from one action to another to show relation between the two. Steve, knowing his landing is going to be dangerous, puts a picture of Peggy in front of him just before he goes down. Later on in the clip, Peggy is at the agency and opens up her drawer to find a framed picture of Steve. This is an example of both parallelism and symbolism. Parall...

Film Elements Graphic Organizer

Film Elements Camera Shots   - Two Shot: frame encompasses two people - Long Shot: shot shows entire object in relation to its surroundings - Medium Shot: mid-waist shot  - Establishing Shot: sets up the scene  - Close Up: tightly frames a person or object - Low Angle Shot: camera angle positioned low, looking up - High Angle Shot: camera angle positioned high up, looking down - Birds Eye View: shot from above as if a bird was flying above Mise en Scene:  arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or film - Costuming: clothing and attire of characters - Setting:   depict time, place, and time period - Lighting: illumination by which objects in frame can be seen  - Staging: where characters and props are blocked and placed  Sound  - Non-diegetic: sound whose source is not visible on the screen; outside the story world. Ex: background music  - Diegetic: sound that is on screen and has not been edite...